Babcock Laboratories Found a More Permanent Home in Imperial County!

Babcock Laboratories, Inc. (Babcock Labs) is pleased to announce the relocation of our service center in Imperial County. Effective Monday, December 14th, 2020, Babcock Laboratories, Inc. will be conveniently located in El Centro and will occupy a clean, modern, and easily accessed facility on 1550 Pepper Drive. We will continue to follow our current Imperial County operating hours and sample drop off time-windows until further notice. We are pleased to have found a more permanent home in Imperial County….

A Quick Year in Review:2020

As we welcome the end of an unprecedented year and prepare to welcome 2021, we would like to reflect on some of the key industry topics of 2020 that will likely provide clues to the issues and challenges our industry is sure to experience in the New Year.

Year in Review: Key Issues of 2018

As we prepare to welcome 2019, I find it important to reflect on some of the key industry issues of 2018 as they provide a prelude to the focal-points and challenges our industry is sure to experience in the New Year.

ESOP Month: Babcock Labs Celebrates Being Employee Owned

October is associated with jack-o-lanterns, ghouls and goblins, and pumpkin spice… everything. But for the laboratory professionals at Babcock Labs, October is also associated with employee ownership!

Now Hiring: Attend Babcock Labs Career Fair

One of Riverside's oldest and most prestigious businesses is now hiring! On May 9th and May 19th Babcock Laboratories, Inc. will host a career fair where attendees can learn about the many career opportunities currently available. Attendees will also have the chance to meet HR staff and hiring managers, and discover what it means to be part of a 100% employee-owned company. 

RSVP now for a chance to win $50!*

Babcock Labs Now Women-Owned ESOP!

On this International Women's Day, Babcock Laboratories is proud to announce its recent designation as a Women-Owned Business! As a 100 percent Employee-Owned company, this status is not only unique, it is historic. It is our understanding that we are the first ESOP to be granted Women Business Enterprise (WBE) status by the Supplier Clearinghouse