California water agencies face increasing pressure to promote and implement sustainable water conservation practices. But as the old saying goes, “old habits die hard.” So what motivates people to use less water?
California Considers Permanent Water Restrictions
Quarterly Monitoring for 1,2,3-TCP Begins
This first calendar quarter marks the start of state-mandated quarterly monitoring of 1,2,3-TCP. Does your lab lack adequate capacity to serve you in a timely fashion? Babcock Labs encourages you to call today to ensure your TCP monitoring goes off without a hitch. Babcock Laboratories is not only certified by ELAP to perform these methods, we also have 15 years of experience with these methods under UCMR.
Regional Spotlight: EVMWD’s Drought-Conscious Water Plan
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) has released its proposed Drought Contingency Plan in response to expected supply shortages and demand increases. Given California’s recent bouts with extreme drought, it is vital that water agencies develop short-term and long-term plans that factor in drought conditions, water supply, and population needs.
Water Loss: New CA Law Will Impact Water Utilities
Senate Bill 555, which requires large urban water utilities to file water loss audits, will go into effect this October. These water loss audits are designed to improve water supply efficiency in the State. Under the law large utilities are defined as urban water utilities treating more than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually or with more than 3,000 connections, which means 410 California utilities are subject to the law.
State Board Notice: Lead Testing in Schools
On January 17th, the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) announced its new program which encourages California schools to work with their local water providers to sample for the presence of lead in their drinking water.